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Coexisting with Squirrels

Image by Trac Vu

Colorado has two different types of squirrel - tree squirrels and ground squirrels - and there are multiple species under both of those types. The most common squirrel in urban areas is the Fox squirrel. Though they are the most common species, they are not native to Colorado. 

Concern #1: Squirrels Eating Bird Food

Resolution: Feeding birds and not squirrels at the same time is certainly a challenge. Squirrels are agile and smart and within a few days can usually figure out even the most cleverly placed bird feeders. There are some ways to place a bird feeder that will discourage them from accessing it though. First and foremost, the bird feeder needs to be placed on a free standing pole in the middle of the yard away from trees and fences where the squirrels can jump from. It needs to be at least six feet off of the ground and the pole needs to be metal and have a metal cone on it near the top so the squirrels cannot get footing. They have extremely sharp claws that allow them to climb a variety of surfaces so using a surface like plastic or metal is advised to prevent climbing.

Concern #2: Squirrels Eating Bark off Trees

Resolution: Squirrels will sometimes peel the bark off of trees to reach the inner layer where it's softer and easier to eat. It is important to note that many species of animals will strip bark off of trees, so pay attention to where the bark is being stripped to confirm it is squirrels prior to implementing methods that keep squirrels away. Squirrels typically start chewing bark off trees towards the top of branches and work their way down. To prevent damage to the tree you will need to prevent squirrels from accessing it, which is often easier said than done. You will need to trim back all the branches of the tree from other trees and structures that the squirrels can use as access points. Once done, install a squirrel baffle, which is a cylinder of metal or plastic that wraps around the base of the tree and prevents them from climbing up. You will need to continue to monitor the tree for squirrel activity and adjust branches and access points if you still observe squirrels in your tree. 

Concern #3: Squirrels Chewing Outdoor Furniture

Resolution: Squirrels will often chew on outdoor cushions to take out the stuffing to use as nesting material. The easiest way to prevent this from happening is to only leave outdoor cushions out when they are in use. When not in use they should be stored in a shed or inside of the home or garage where squirrels cannot access. 

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