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Coexisting with Woodpeckers

Image by Lance Reis

Colorado is home to 9 species of woodpeckers. All species of woodpeckers are federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This means that they cannot be killed and active nests cannot be removed. Woodpeckers are considered a keystone species because they create habitats for other species of animals to live by hollowing out nesting sites.

Concern #1 - Woodpeckers Nesting in the House

Resolution: Woodpeckers are cavity nesters, meaning they build their nests inside of hollowed out trees. They nest during the spring and sometimes they will try to build their nests inside of wood siding or in wooden buildings. Like with other small animals, the goal is to prevent them from accessing these areas in the first place. Check your home over for holes and gaps in wooden siding and seal them up after ensuring no birds are inside. It is best to do this during the fall so the potential for an active nest is low. If there are remains of a nest but it is not active it is legal to remove.  Because woodpeckers are cavity nesters, you can also offer alternative nesting sites by placing bird houses on your property. You can attach them to trees or place a post in your yard solely to hang the bird house. 

Concern #2 - Woodpeckers Drilling into Siding for Insects

Resolution: If woodpeckers are attracted to your home year round it is likely because there is a food source. Woodpeckers will drill holes into wooden siding to reach insects that are living underneath. It is important for you to eliminate the insects under your siding not only to stop the woodpeckers from drilling on your house, but also to prevent damage to your home because of insects. Carefully examine your siding to locate small entry points that insects might be using and plug them. Insecticides might be needed for severe infestations in order to save your home, but for minor infestations insecticides are not recommended as poison does travel up the food chain and might harm birds as well. If you must use an insecticide look for one that is specific to the type of insect in your home and one that has minimal effects on other species. Woodpeckers love black sunflower seeds, suet, and mealworms so providing one of these alternate food sources can help prevent them from pecking on your siding. 

Concern #3 - Woodpeckers Roosting under Eaves 

Resolution: Woodpeckers don't just drill on siding to access food sources. They also will drill on siding to attract mates. While it might not be preventable on trees in your yard, it can be mitigated by installing wire mesh underneath your eaves and attaching it to your siding below the area the woodpeckers have been. Other ways to prevent woodpeckers from drilling on your siding would be to replace wooden siding with aluminum siding or block access using plastic barriers. Another option is to scare woodpeckers off using noise deterrents. These can be ultrasonic or they can be prerecorded distress calls by birds which makes woodpeckers think the area is unsafe. You can find a link to this device in the external resources below.

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